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Rental Income

You are obliged to file a tax return with Revenue if you receive a rental income


Rental Income

If you receive rent from a property, it is taxable and you must file a tax return with Revenue.

If you receive rent from a foreign property, you must pay Irish income tax if you are resident or ordinarily resident and domiciled in Ireland. If you are not domiciled in Ireland, you only pay Irish tax on the rent you bring into Ireland.

You can claim expenses against your rental income. You pay Irish tax on the net rent after deducting expenses and other allowances. The expenses you can deduct from the rent received include; Rates, Insurance, Maintenance, Mortgage Interest (Restricted), Repairs, Wear & Tear allowance on furniture and fittings.

If you incur a loss after deducting expenses, you can carry the loss forward to offset against future rental profits or against rental profit on another source.

We can simplify the process for you, remove the stress and tension by preparing and filing your tax return. Give us a call or arrange an appointment.



Airbnb have confirmed that they have handed over details of the earnings of Airbnb hosts to the Revenue Commissioners including their names, addresses and income earned since May 2014.

You may be wondering if you should file a tax return if you’ve let out a property via Airbnb during the year.

Those letting a room or a property on the site would be liable to income tax at their marginal rate – plus the universal social charge and PRSI – after deduction of allowable expenses.

This means that many hosts should be filing their tax return for income earned.

To sum it all up. Yes, Airbnb is taxable and must be declared on your tax return.


Rent a Room Relief

If you rent out a room (or rooms) in your home to private tenants, the rental income you earn will be exempt from income tax, provided this income does not exceed a certain limit in a tax year. This is called the rent-a-room relief. A self-contained unit, such as a basement flat or a converted garage ATTACHED to your home, can qualify for this relief.

For you to qualify for rent-a room relief, you must occupy it as your sole residence during the year of assessment. You do not have to own the property – you could be a tenant and be sub-letting to someone else.

You must declare your rent a room income on your tax return in order to claim the exemption.


Tax Return Requirements

All income from Rent must be declared on your tax return. Whether it is income received through AirBnb, Rent a Room or from a rental property.

Rental income from renting a room in your home (and related services) is exempt from tax, up to a maximum limit of €14,000. If this limit is exceeded, then you are taxed on the total amount. The relief can only be claimed by individual taxpayers.

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