All businesses are required to keep accurate records for both taxation and VAT purposes.
All businesses are required to keep accurate records for both taxation and VAT purposes. Good book keeping practices also benefit the business by helping you manage and control your finances, plan for future growth and ensure that your accounts are completed more efficiently.
Whether you want to manage your own book keeping, or you'd like us to take it all off your hands? We can help.
Accurate financial record keeping will be crucial to your business.
We have kits and templates that you can use to keep track of your income and expenses, making account preparation much easier. We can determine which records you need to keep, depending on your type of business.
If you have employees, you must operate a payroll system.
This can be a complex area. You must ensure that you and the employee are paying the correct PAYE, PRSI and USC. You must also file regular returns with Revenue.
From 2019, Revenue will be asking employers to make a return to Revenue every time an employee is paid, this could be as regular as weekly. We can provide a payroll service for you if you wish.
Based on the information and records provided by you, we can prepare your accounts in a format acceptable to Revenue and the CRO.
There are several accounting software packages that can help with keeping your accounts on track such as Quickbooks and SAGE which many of our clients use. We can advise on the best software to use for your business to save you time and money.
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